



的 2024 雪的大学 爵士音乐节 features special guest artist, Jeff Jarvis.  的 festival will be held at 雪的大学 in the Eccles Center for the Performing Arts 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的校园里.  这个为期一天的节日通过表演来庆祝爵士乐, 我们出色的客座艺术家的诊所和特别表演.  高中、初中 high school, and middle school jazz ensembles, jazz combos, and vocal jazz groups 被邀请表演.  的 festival is non-competitive, and each band has a performance slot followed by an in person clinic with all of the guest artists/faculty.  它是 a great way to prepare your band for upcoming adjudicated performances.  所有的爵士乐 邀请爱好者参加.  该节日是由博士主持. 史蒂文•埃里克森 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行爵士研究主任.  费用为每组/学校150美元.

High Schools, Junior High Schools and Middle Schools are invited to participate
Big Bands, Jazz Combos, and Vocal Jazz groups are invited to participate





  • 助理教授大卫·贝克
  • 大卫·贝克
  • David Baker is currently serving as Assistant Professor and Area Coordinator of Jazz & 犹他州奥勒姆犹他谷大学的商业音乐. 他收到了他的医生 of Arts from the University of Northern Colorado in Jazz Studies emphasizing in performance 和组成. He has been an active performer for over fifteen years including performances at Jazz at Lincoln Center, Moab Music Festival, Vail 爵士音乐节, Gene Harris 爵士音乐节, 的 Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame, Dazzle™ Jazz & 晚餐俱乐部, 的 Velvet 请注意, the International Society of Bassists Convention, 的 Jazz Education 网络会议和科罗拉多交响乐团. 他和格雷格·吉斯伯特同台演出, 小尤利西斯·欧文斯., Bob Sheppard, Kobe Watkins, Carmen Bradford, Corey Christiansen, 德鲁·扎伦巴. Similarly, he has been featured alongside pop acts such as Frankie 阿瓦隆,普拉特,小精灵 & 派对草男孩和堪萨斯. 大卫被授予 First Alternate position in the International Society of Bassists' 2019 Jazz Performance 竞争. David is an active member of the Utah jazz community and can be seen 定期在全州演出. 他与钢琴家的长期合作 Alex Sjobeck yielded a duo album entitled Pictures in Time (Next Level Records), that 获得了好评. 他最近赢得了该地区的声誉 slap upright bass expert, having presented at the 2023 International Society of Bassists 专题公约. 除了他的工作作为一个表演者/教育家,大卫服务 as the Director of Programs for his 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Hot House West and serves in their flagship ensemble, the Hot House West Swing Orchestra, as co-bandleader, 贝斯手和编曲手. 这个乐团发行了他们的首张专辑《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》 《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》,今年9月.

    David has given masterclasses and lectures across the United States including most recently at the 2023, 2021, and 2019 International Society of Bassists Convention 以及2020年在新奥尔良举行的爵士教育家网络会议. 他最近的研究 aims to redefine early jazz history and focuses on the consequential role of pluralism 以及宗教在爵士乐创作中的作用. 2022年,大卫发表了《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》一文 the Door: Using Pluralism as a Philosophical Lens in the Jazz History Classroom" in Jazz Education in Research and Practice (Indiana University Press).

  • 史蒂文·埃里克森教授


Steven Erickson来自加拿大阿尔伯塔省的莱斯布里奇.  他是个多才多艺的人。 pianist, arranger, and composer in both the classical and jazz styles.  史蒂夫研究 杨百翰大学钢琴演奏., 1987),莱斯大学(MMus., 1992年)和堪萨斯大学.  他曾担任爵士研究主任 Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri from 1996 to 1997. 

In 1997 he joined the US Air Force, performing with Air Force Bands for 20 years, including 18 years with the premier jazz ensemble of the Air Force, “的 Airmen of 请注意.”  While with the 请注意, he performed for numerous tours, jazz festivals and music conventions, recorded 10 CDs, and played on more than 30 radio and television broadcasts, including Jazz Heritage Series broadcasts with such guest artists as Clark Terry, Doc Severinsen, Nicolas Payton, Phil Woods, Kenny Garrett, Walt Weiskopf, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Ron Carter, Al Jarreau, Kurt Elling, New York Voices, and many others. 他还制作了 29大乐队和管弦乐队安排的空军乐队.  

After retiring from the military in 2017, Steve served as an adjunct faculty member at 犹他州的峡谷 University, Brigham Young University, University of Utah, BYU Idaho, and 雪的大学, and was the recipient of the Utah Arts Festival Commission for Jazz 2020年的编曲者.  他曾担任临床医生和裁判在爵士音乐节 Utah and Idaho, and regularly performs with bands and artists in Salt Lake City and 犹他州的峡谷.

Dr. 本·尼克尔斯


Dr. 本·尼克尔斯 is an accomplished saxophonist, composer, and educator known for his 与著名音乐家进行全球演出和合作. 他目前担任 as an Assistant Professor of Saxophone at Brigham Young University, where he leads 萨克斯管工作室和指挥爵士合奏. 尼科尔斯也是 founder of the Crossover Saxophone Quartet and has published research in the Jazz 《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》学术期刊.

He has made significant contributions to the award-winning jazz ensemble Synthesis, performing on three albums, including "的 Day After Yesterday," which earned the DownBeat杂志的乐队认可. 尼科尔斯获得了许多荣誉,包括 Outstanding Saxophone Soloist at the Lionel Hampton 爵士音乐节 and his role in 2012年Ryan Innes乐队在火体育场的胜利.

Nichols is a multi-instrumentalist, starting with piano at age eight and later picking 向上是低音单簧管、单簧管、萨克斯管和长笛. 他展示了自己的多才多艺 by playing classical repertoire and contributing to various musical productions.

He pursued his passion at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, studying under jazz legends like Jerry Bergonzi, Donny McCaslin, Miguel Zenon, and Jason Moran. He later completed a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree at the University of Illinois at 厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC),获得了完美的4分.0/4.平均绩点为0,获得库克奖学金.